
The One and Triune God

There are few doctrines more central to the Christian faith than the Trinity. Affirmations of belief in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are at the heart of the Church’s creed. And yet there are also few doctrines of the Church less understood and appreciated than that of the Trinity. This course helps to explain some of the basic doctrines of the Church concerning the unity among and diversity between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

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Welcome to The One Triune God with Rev. Kenneth A. Baker, S.J.

Thank you for enrolling in this course on The One Triune God, the core of the course is made up of twelve video lectures. In addition, to each video lecture there are twelve corresponding lessons with optional study questions and suggestions for further reading. You may view these twelve lessons here. (These lessons are only required for those students taking this course for College credit through their accrediting institution.)

Rev. Kenneth Baker, S.J.


Rev. Kenneth Baker, S.J., is editor emeritus of the Homiletic & Pastoral Review, having served as editor from 1971 to 2010.  He graduated from Gonzaga University, studied Theology at the University of Innsbruck, Austria, and translated Karl Rahner’s Primacy and Episcopate into English.  After teaching for two years at Gonzaga University, he published his translation of Rahner’s Spiritual Exercises and received his Ph.D. from Marquette University.  Returning to Gonzaga he became head of the Department of Theology in 1968, leading it faithfully through the turmoil surrounding Humanae Vitae.  He then served as president of Seattle University.  Fr. Baker has built and run three community television stations and was president of Catholic Views Broadcasting, Inc., which produced a weekly 15-minute radio program airing on 50 stations across the U.S.  He is the author of a three-volume explanation of the Faith called Fundamentals of Catholicism.