
Dante Alighieri’s Paradiso

Dante’s Paradiso is the culmination and conclusion of his great poem The Divine Comedy. This course was originally offered live and is now available OnDemand.

Paradiso tells of how after passing through Inferno and then climbing the mountain of Purgatorio, Dante and his Lady, Beatrice, ascend through the various planetary spheres, transcend the furthest boundary of the universe, and reach Heaven and the Beatific Vision.

In this course we’ll see how Dante’s vision has to expand to be capable of all that he experiences. He’ll meet famous figure such as St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Bonaventure, King Solomon, Sts. Peter, James, and John, and St. Bernard of Clairvaux, who is his guided to the ultimate reality, Go. Along the way, we’ll learn many things about Dante’s view of philosophy, the moral life, history, politics, and the soul’s mystical ascent.

The course includes:

  • 9 1.5-hour video lectures, each session covers about four Cantos of Paradiso
  • An optional copy of Dante Alighieri: Divine Comedy, Divine Spirituality by Robert Royal
  • Extra reading material related to the course (optional)
  • Unlimited access to the course

We highly recommend students also independently purchase a copy of either Anthony Esolen or Robert and Jean Hollander’s translation of Dante’s Paradiso.

From $0.00

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What course participants say

"Thank you for providing such wonderful guidance through this beautiful and challenging poem! It contains so much Truth, Beauty, and Goodness, and my faith has been enriched. I wonder how many people, through the centuries, have converted to the faith after reading The Divine Comedy. A sizeable number, I would guess."

- Pat S.

Robert Royal


Robert Royal is editor-in-chief of The Catholic Thing and president of the Faith & Reason Institute in Washington, D.C. Among his many books are The God That Did Not Fail,  Columbus and the Crisis of the West,  and A Deeper Vision: The Catholic Intellectual Tradition in the Twentieth Century.