The course includes:
- Five 1.5 hours video lectures
- Extra reading material related to the course (optional)
- Unlimited access to the course
Course book: For this course we recommend all students obtain a copy of the course books. We will be using:
- Edith Stein: The Life of a Philosopher and Carmelite, Teresia Renata Posselt, O.C.D., ed. Susanne Batzdorff, Josephine Koeppel, and John Sullivan. Available at Amazon or at ICS Publications. This biography is written by Stein’s own Novice Director, then Mother Prioress of the Cologne Carmel when Stein lived there.
- Suggested secondary text: Edith Stein: Her Life in Photos and Documents, Maria Amata Neyer, O.C.D., trans. Waltraut Stein, Ph.D. Available at Amazon or ICS Publications.